On the rear of my naomi their are many of these blue components,some people think they are caps and on an electrical forum they have told me they could be EMI suppression filters.
as you can see 1 is cracked but i think its ok and another is destroyed so could do with replacing them
Ive not actually fired up the system yet since i dont yet have an i/o board ,so cant tell if its affecting the image.
Picture is taken just above the vga connector.
Please identify this component!
While I'm not sure what they are, you could be right with the Suppression filter answer, since that board is called the "filter board." I've seen naomi 1 filter boards get sold for very cheap, so if you can come across one it would be pretty easy to just replace that whole board. Of course that's assuming nothing on the main board caused that issue, and that the main board itself is still OK.